Fermented Foods Market Leading Players Envisioned By The Analysts Forecast

Fermented foods are derived by an anaerobic process which involves the application of natural bacteria that feeds on starch and sugar present in the food to produce lactic acid. Production of lactic acid helps in preserving the food thereby extending the shelf life of the product. Fermented foods contain necessary enzymes, Omega 3 fatty acids, probiotics and vitamin B thereby enriching the food quality and making it healthy for consumption. Fermented foods include dairy products, vegetables, health drinks, desserts, confectionery and others. Fermented foods market has gained a niche of its own by providing unique flavors and taste to the Western palette. Fermented Foods market brings in a large diversity of new foods and flavors thereby impacting the food preferences of the consumers. Global fermented foods market is expected to grow significantly during the forecast period, driven majorly by the product innovation, taste and flavor enrichments, and growing consumer awareness about healthy diets.
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Fermented Foods Market: Market Dynamics
Global fermented foods market is primarily driven by the consumer’s rising health consciousness, change in dietary patterns to curb down physical ailments. Consumption of fermented foods and beverages helps in improving the digestive system by maintaining a proper balance of bacteria in the digestive system, helps in improving immunity system and bowel metabolism. Owing to these health benefits, global fermented foods market is set to witness an increasing demand. The fermentation process is widely used for household as well as restaurant level recipes as fermented foods offer quality taste, nutrition and flavor to consumers’ palette. Fermented foods can be preserved for a long period of time, along with retaining its nutrient value and taste which further boosts up the global fermented foods market. Addition of healthy foods in consumer’s diet can get expensive, but with inclusion of fermented foods in diets are budget friendly preparation. Owing to the multiple benefits such as high nutrition content, rich taste and flavor, ability to retain its quality for a long time and cost-effective diet inclusion, global fermented foods market is expected to witness an escalating demand over the forecast period.
However, fermented foods produce certain by-products which breakdown the food such as alcohol content in soya sauce that is expected to affect the body cells. Ammonia is another harmful by product found in fermented soy which is as harmful as a household cleaning agent. Release of by-products can be a major restraint for the global fermented foods market growth.
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